Does Red Wine Protect the Cardiovascular System?

The 'French paradox' rears its ugly head again. The reasoning goes something like this: French people eat more saturated animal fat...

Sweet Potatoes

We can debate the nutritional qualities of a food until we're blue in the face, but in the end, we still may not have a very accurate pr...

Pastured Dairy may Prevent Heart Attacks

Not all dairy is created equal. Dairy from grain-fed and pasture-fed cows differs in a number of ways. Pastured dairy contains more fat-so...

Malocclusion Posts Translated into German

It's nice to see on my website statistics program that Whole Health Source has a solid international following. As commonly as English ...

Intervew with Chris Kresser of The Healthy Skeptic

Last week, I did an audio interview with Chris Kresser of The Healthy Skeptic , on the topic of obesity. We put some preparation into it, a...

Sometimes You Just Get Lucky

I went fishing last Saturday on Fidalgo island with some friends. That's a picture of the trophy minnow I caught after a full day of fis...

Saturated Fat and Insulin Sensitivity, Again

A new study was recently published exploring the effect of diet composition on insulin sensitivity and other factors in humans ( 1 ). 29 me...

Traditional Preparation Methods Improve Grains' Nutritive Value

Soaking or Germinating Grains The most basic method of preparing grains is prolonged soaking in water, followed by cooking. This combinatio...

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