Low Carb Crustless Quiche

I experimented for a while with various quiche recipes, but almost all included either flour or milk leading to carbohydrate content higher ...

Obesity and the Brain

Nature Genetics just published a paper that caught my interest ( 1 ). Investigators reviewed the studies that have attempted to determine a...


I'll be out of town until the beginning of November, so I won't be responding to comments or e-mails for a while. I'm going to ...

Sleep Post Correction

An astute commenter pointed out that I misread the numbers in the paper on sleep and fat loss. I wrote that out of the total 3.0 kg lost, t...

The Big Sleep

This blog usually focuses on diet, because that's my specialty. But if you want Whole Health, you need the whole package: a diet and l...

Potatoes and Human Health, Part III

Potato-eating Cultures: the Quechua The potato is thought to have originated in what is now Peru, on the shores of lake Titicaca. Native ...

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