A Diabetic Manifesto...

I love my Christmas tree... I light it. I enjoy it's silent cheer; it's proud glow. Perhaps, a memory of a 'perfect' childho...

Your Number One Diabetic Treatment Goal

Dear Friend, I heard you were recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, and that you may have some mixed emotions right now (sadness, shock, ...

A Sign of the Times

Every now and then, I venture out to go shopping at mainstream chain clothing stores.  Although I find it onerous, there are certain things ...

When Diabetics Become Bullies

The things you say, and do, have an effect on people. This one should be a "no brainer," right? Well, not quite. At least... not q...

60 Minutes Report on the Flavorist Industry

A reader sent me a link to a recent CBS documentary titled " Tweaking Tastes and Creating Cravings ", reported by Morley Safer. Sa...

The Greatest Lesson You Will Ever Learn

I don't recall exactly how I got there... But I think it was just one of those "I'm really unhappy with my body, so I'm jus...

New Review Papers on Food Reward

As research on the role of reward/palatability in obesity continues to accelerate, interesting new papers are appearing weekly.  Here is a r...

Another Simple Food Weight Loss Experience

Whole Health Source reader Sarah Pugh recently went on a six-week simple food (low reward) diet to test its effectiveness as a weight loss s...

Your Diabetic Feng Shui

Stop and smell the flowers... She stood proudly, next to the small, Thanksgiving pie table, and announced to the world that "This is Li...

A Brief Response to Taubes's Food Reward Critique, and a Little Something Extra

It appears Gary Taubes has completed his series critiquing the food reward hypothesis of obesity ( 1 ).  I have to hand it to him, it takes ...

Two Recent Papers by Matt Metzgar

This is just a quick post to highlight two recent papers by the economist and fellow health writer Matt Metzgar . The first paper is titled ...

What Some Would Call Diabesity, I Call Diapression...

It's a blue Sunday today; a Sunday marked with gray Fall skies, transitioning into Winter blues. The trees are mostly, leafless, and it...

On the Eve of my Diabetes Anniversary...

Some days... I think it's all a dream. A bad dream,  a long dream; One of those sweaty kind of dreams. I call out for you, and you'r...

Diabetes Etiquette... For Diabetics

I love, love, love the benefits the online social community can bring. Finding, and meeting others who are just going through similar enough...

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