What Is Happening to Type 2 Bloggers?

Making my review of type 2 bloggers in the last two weeks, I was very surprised at the number that have deleted their blogs entirely. What ...

A Guide for Hospital Discharge Planning

I could not have ended this year with a better topic. Hospital discharge planning is not something to be ignored, but often it is, much to ...

Nutrients - Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 Overview All B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning that the body does not store them. Vitamin B12, also called cobalamin, is on...

Do You Have Happy or Unhappy Feet?

Most articles about shoes are written for women, by women, and I do not totally understand why. Is it because women own more pairs of shoes...

Joslin Advocates for SMBG

This is an interesting turn of events. Normally I am the one complaining about the lack of self-monitoring of blood glucose, but now Joslin ...

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Note: No blog will be posted on 25 December 2012

Have You Been Evaluated for Patient Adherence?

This is the first in an on going series from Joslin's Diabetes Deskbook. The book is interesting as a patient and I will write blogs ab...

Wheat Belly Review

I have now finished reading Wheat Belly by William Davis MD. Yes, I am late to the reporting. Therefore, this will be a review that is diff...

The Potato Diet

In 2010, I wrote a series of blog posts on the health properties of potatoes ( 1 , 2 , 3 ).  The evidence showed that potatoes are non-toxic...

Holiday Gifts for Person with Diabetes

At this time of year and before birthdays, people are always looking for gifts that people with diabetes will appreciate. Joslin Diabetes h...

Therapeutic Goals for Older Adults with Diabetes

When I wrote these two blogs, here and here, I did not realize I would be revisiting the topic for the elderly so quickly. However, a blog ...

Supplements – Does the Elderly Need Them?

This debate has been around for some time and just does not go away. Do elderly people need to take supplements? Some “experts” say no, ot...

Food Reward Friday

This week's "winner"... The Pizza Hut hot dog stuffed crust pizza! Read more »

Poor Glucose Control Impacts on Cognition

Now they want to add another complication to the list of diabetes complications. Cognition decline is now the result of poor blood glucose ...

Is it Time to Re-write the Textbooks on Insulin and Obesity? Part II

A new paper published on December 6th in the journal Science once again tackles the question of whether elevated insulin drives the develop...

FDA Creates Group to Speed Medical Devices to Market

Will this be the answer for many people, to accelerate medical devices to market, or just another stepping-stone to slow the process? I hop...

Nurse Practitioner Groups Unite

Primary care physicians move over, the new American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) is now united (as of January 1, 2013) and look...

A Review of Joslin's Diabetes Deskbook

It is with some trepidation that I do this review. In the six days, I have had the book; I have been reading more in one book than I have i...

Like Grapefruit? Watch for Drug Interactions

Ever had a jaw dropping moment? I did and now I know why I am not eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice any longer. I did not rea...

Food Reward Friday

This week's "winner"... Kellogg's Krave cereal! Read more »

Call for Blogs on Healthcare Literacy Part 2

Yes, I did promise this. Here goes – I need help! I am looking for people to help on a blog project. Since we do not have a National Healt...

Is it Time to Re-write the Textbooks on Insulin and Obesity?

A recent study in Cell Metabolism by Dr. Arya Mehran and colleagues found a result that, according to a press release, "could overturn...

Call for Blogs on Healthcare Literacy - P1

I know that I need to bring this to everyone's attention. I started getting ideas when I read this blog by Nancy Finn. Right topic and...

The Future of Health Care May Be Primary Care

Dr. Mintz has a well thought out blog and I commend him for that. I realize that he is writing about something that is near and dear to him...

Did You Receive The Correct Diabetes Diagnosis?

If you agree that newly diagnosed patients do not always receive advice on managing their diabetes, including testing information read my bl...

Type 2 and Insulin Use

Carla Cox, PhD, RD, CSSD, CDE starts off her blog on the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) website with something that truly...

Food Reward Friday

This week's winner... the Starbuck's Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino ! Read more »

Was This a Memorable Diabetes Month?

Ho-hum, I'm glad this month is over. I had hopes that some ideas would come to fruition, but the American Diabetes Association and JDRF...

Non-diabetic Hypoglycemia Revisited

When I wrote the original blog, I did it because my daughter has non-diabetic hypoglycemia. She has a knowledgeable doctor that did properl...

New Joslin Diabetes Program

This information on the Joslin website does beg some questions. Are they really enthused about the “Joslin Everywhere” program? Or will th...

News from Our Informal Peer-to-peer Group

One of the members asked me why I have not blogged about our group lately. I asked what happened this summer and fall. He said many of the...

Diabetes - Safety Tips for All Seasons

I agree that many people need reminding for what to do during the heat of summer and then again when winter comes around. I had intended to...

Food Reward Friday

This week's winner: poutine ! While not as appetizing looking as the Monster Thickburger, poutine is probably more popular.  For those w...

Additional Assumptions Patients Should Not Make

This is a continuation of blogs from May 10, 2012 and October 17, 2012. Don't assume the doctor knows what you are thinking. I wish I wo...

The Many Forms of Advocacy

Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines advocacy as the act or process of advocating or supporting a cause or proposal. This is just a gen...

No Guidance for New Diabetes Patients

For many patients with type 2 diabetes that have had their diagnosis for several years, this news is not new. A new study published online ...

Diabetes Diets and Your Meter

In reviewing some of my blogs, I have found several that have gained readership beyond what I anticipated. This says there is a need for peo...

Your Doctor Will Be Checking On You

Big brother has now entered the medical world and your doctor will now be able to determine if you are compliant or not. The US Food and Dr...

Food Reward Friday

This week's winner: the Taco Bell Doritos Locos Taco! Read more »

Is Your A1c Just Another Number?

Do you consider your A1c just another number? I admit I do not understand people that treat it this way and ignore what it is telling them ...

Today's Doctors Are Without a Moral Code

Normally I do not write about women's health or gestational diabetes. This is one time I feel I must as the doctors are showing their t...

Physician-Assisted Suicide – For Real?

The election is over and we know what the vote result is in the Massachusetts vote on Physician-Assisted Suicide proposition 2. I may as we...

Don't Over Compensate If Using Artificial Sweeteners

This article does point out what some people think they can do if they use artificial sweeteners. I even have some friends that do just wha...

The Fat Tax: Dare I say I Told Them So?

I am flat out preparing for departure on my Myanmar trip tomorrow but I could not let this news item pass unnoticed: Denmark to scrap world...

Are Doctors Lobbying Themselves Out into the Cold?

When I wrote this blog, I had suspicions that this was the case, but not enough information to include it then. And did it happen – three d...

Helping a Spouse That Has Diabetes

If you have been reading David Mendosa's blog, “Suppose Your Husband Has Diabetes” and found your way to my blog, thank you. David has ...


Tuesday is an important day!  It does not matter which political party you are member of or if you are what is determined as an Independent....

Why Some Medical Practices Are Successful

Defining and discerning why medical practices are successful or even wildly successful is more difficult than often why they fail. While it...

An Encouraging Trend

I was in the Seattle/Tacoma airport today, and I noticed quite a few people taking the stairs even though they're flanked by escalators....

Interesting Ploys to Make Spam Comments

I have to write this. I disabled captcha so that people would be able to post that were having trouble with this. It has spawned many comp...

Food Reward Friday

This week's lucky winner... the Hardee's MONSTER THICKBURGER! Two 1/3 lb beef patties, four strips of bacon, three slices of America...

Will Congress Revisit Compounding Pharmacies Issue?

How many more deaths is it going to take to convince our congressional leaders to do what should have been done about a decade ago. Compoun...

FDA Warns Most Online Pharmacies Fake

Two topics have come to the fore in the last month. The first is online pharmacies and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy and t...

Why Some Medical Practices Fail

On the surface, this seems like a no-brainer, but the outcome is in the details. It is often easy to see why some practices fail and many p...

Food Reward Fridays

Each Friday, I'm going to post a picture of a modern food so ridiculous it makes you want to laugh and cry at the same time.  I'm do...

What Is Going On at the Mayo Clinic?

This is one time I want to leave this alone, but the latest post on the Mayo Clinic website really has me wondering what the purpose of the ...

The Real Meaning of RD

Most of us understand that the acronym RD means registered dietitian. This blogger is trying to draw attention to her blog and states, “RD ...

The Most Annoying Person I have Learned to Love...

The day I lost my car... I became an avid pedestrian. Every local place became THE place to go for any goods and services. I really didn...

The Under-appreciated Professions

The four occupations included in this blog are among the most under appreciated professions. They still can have people within the professi...

Candy at the Cash Register

Last week, the New England Journal of Medicine published an interesting editorial titled " Candy at the Cash Register-- a Risk Factor f...

Terms for Doctor Types and Practices

Writing about medical practices is fun, but far from easy. Presently, medical practice seems in a state of flux. There has always been som...

More Assumptions Patients Should Not Make

Having written this blog about assumptions patients should not make, I need to revisit the topic to add a few more assumptions not to make a...

Hospitals Will Destroy Your Diabetes Management

This blog got its start quite by accident and not one putting anyone or me in the hospital this time. In discussing patient centered care wi...

FDA Approves New Neuropathy Pain Drug

Get ready for a trip to the emergency room if you take this drug inappropriately. Also, keep this drug out of reach of children of any age ...

What Patients Want From Their Clinicians...

I think a lot about patients' rights, and expectations; about what the most ideal  medical care should look like for a person with diabe...

Contract Medicine – The Future of Medicine

As a patient that has had excellent medical insurance for most of my adult life, why would I support or advocate for another type of medicin...

Affordable Contract Medicine

The more I read and research about concierge medicine, the more I become concerned that I have missed an important point. Some of this I kn...

The @&## With Doctor's Orders

Now that my proficiency of using my left hand for the mouse has improved and I can type with my left hand (all be it slowly), I will be back...

Finding My True Hope: My Adventures at Stanford Medicine X

This is the fourth of a series of blog posts in which I will recount my adventures at Stanford's Medicine X, Conference: An experience w...

Finding My Patient Voice: My Adventures At Stanford Medicine X

This is the third of a series of blog posts in which I will recount my adventures at Stanford's Medicine X, Conference: An experience wh...

Our Lives, Quantified: My Adventures at Stanford Medicine X

This is the second of a series of blog posts in which I will recount my adventures at Stanford's Medicine X, Conference: An experience w...

Wondering Outside the Village: My Adventure at Stanford Medicine X

This is the first of a series of blog posts in which I will recount my adventures at Stanford's Medicine X, Conference: An experience wh...

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