FDA Warns Most Online Pharmacies Fake

Two topics have come to the fore in the last month. The first is online pharmacies and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy and t...

Why Some Medical Practices Fail

On the surface, this seems like a no-brainer, but the outcome is in the details. It is often easy to see why some practices fail and many p...

Food Reward Fridays

Each Friday, I'm going to post a picture of a modern food so ridiculous it makes you want to laugh and cry at the same time.  I'm do...

What Is Going On at the Mayo Clinic?

This is one time I want to leave this alone, but the latest post on the Mayo Clinic website really has me wondering what the purpose of the ...

The Real Meaning of RD

Most of us understand that the acronym RD means registered dietitian. This blogger is trying to draw attention to her blog and states, “RD ...

The Most Annoying Person I have Learned to Love...

The day I lost my car... I became an avid pedestrian. Every local place became THE place to go for any goods and services. I really didn...

The Under-appreciated Professions

The four occupations included in this blog are among the most under appreciated professions. They still can have people within the professi...

Candy at the Cash Register

Last week, the New England Journal of Medicine published an interesting editorial titled " Candy at the Cash Register-- a Risk Factor f...

Terms for Doctor Types and Practices

Writing about medical practices is fun, but far from easy. Presently, medical practice seems in a state of flux. There has always been som...

More Assumptions Patients Should Not Make

Having written this blog about assumptions patients should not make, I need to revisit the topic to add a few more assumptions not to make a...

Hospitals Will Destroy Your Diabetes Management

This blog got its start quite by accident and not one putting anyone or me in the hospital this time. In discussing patient centered care wi...

FDA Approves New Neuropathy Pain Drug

Get ready for a trip to the emergency room if you take this drug inappropriately. Also, keep this drug out of reach of children of any age ...

What Patients Want From Their Clinicians...

I think a lot about patients' rights, and expectations; about what the most ideal  medical care should look like for a person with diabe...

Contract Medicine – The Future of Medicine

As a patient that has had excellent medical insurance for most of my adult life, why would I support or advocate for another type of medicin...

Affordable Contract Medicine

The more I read and research about concierge medicine, the more I become concerned that I have missed an important point. Some of this I kn...

The @&## With Doctor's Orders

Now that my proficiency of using my left hand for the mouse has improved and I can type with my left hand (all be it slowly), I will be back...

Finding My True Hope: My Adventures at Stanford Medicine X

This is the fourth of a series of blog posts in which I will recount my adventures at Stanford's Medicine X, Conference: An experience w...

Finding My Patient Voice: My Adventures At Stanford Medicine X

This is the third of a series of blog posts in which I will recount my adventures at Stanford's Medicine X, Conference: An experience wh...

Our Lives, Quantified: My Adventures at Stanford Medicine X

This is the second of a series of blog posts in which I will recount my adventures at Stanford's Medicine X, Conference: An experience w...

Wondering Outside the Village: My Adventure at Stanford Medicine X

This is the first of a series of blog posts in which I will recount my adventures at Stanford's Medicine X, Conference: An experience wh...

Photos and More Gardening

I've needed new professional and blog photos for a long time.  My friend Adam Roe was in town recently, and he happens to be professiona...

The Goal is Food Independence

It's been a couple of months since I've shared anything significant with my fellow readers. It's not that I don't appreciate...

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